Monday, July 29, 2013

Moving into the city

So the day after getting back from two weeks in Portugal, visiting old friends and enjoying the weather, half of our furniture is packed and ready to move into our new apartment in central Stockholm.  I figured that this is the effectively the 7th time that I will be changing homes.  Apparently the average American moves about 12 times during his/her life and I believe most of that takes place after graduating from high school.  In fact, I will already be making my 8th move when I travel to Germany to live with my grandparents from the 15th of August.  Although I will still be around family, I will be "moving out".  These last weeks in Stockholm, before my Gap Year really begins, will be spent with family and friends. In Mainz, I will not know anyone besides family.  I admit to being a bit nervous about it all.  I was not able to get a job at McDonald's and I am currently waiting for a reply from Vapiano, as well as the hotel where my aunt works.  However, before beginning work, I will be attending a three week German course in the southern city of Freiburg.  Besides becoming more confident in German, this course will allow me more time to accustom myself to living in Germany while meeting people my age.
Doing Doughnuts with an old friend in Portugal

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