Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Exeter Odyssey

Getting into the University of Exeter has proven to be quite a drama.  Let me explain the story from the beginning.  

After applying to the university I received an offer from them for 36 points with a 5 in English.   In mid July, I received my results.  36 points with a 6 in English.  Two weeks went by and I didn't get any confirmation from them so I decided to write them an E-mail.  On the 24th of July I received an answer saying that they had not gotten my results and that I should send them my results personally.  However, the next day, I got another E-mail confirming that they had now received my results.  Oddly enough, the confirmation E-mail stated that I had not met the offer and that I must wait until after the 15th of August when A-level results are released. So after that I decided to wait patiently until they figure out their fault - bad mistake. 

On the the 8th of September I checked UCAS and saw that on the 2nd of September my offer from Exeter was deemed unsuccessful. Now I became desperate and told them exactly the way I have been understanding my communication with them. Then I received an E-mail that seemed to misunderstand the problem. So I wrote them again, this time I copy and pasted the confirmation E-mail into the message and made them understand that they did indeed get my IB results and that they made a mistake with my application. This spawned an entirely different reaction. They apologized and I was told that my UCAS status would be changed over night. It did. So with no further surprises, I should officially be an fully enrolled student for the year 2014. Persistence pays off!

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